With the establishment of The Life Training Academy, Steve and Carlette are committed to giving hope to our next generation of coaches, athletes, and philanthropists through CHAMP10N Sports Life Coaching®.

"Every person deserves their own journey."
Who has given you hope in life?
How did they do it and how did it change you?

The Legacy
In 1998, Steve and Carlette Patterson created Patterson Sports Ventures (PSV). The vision of the company is to be “Agent of Change” by connecting professional athletes and teams with social causes- igniting the power and passion of sports with non-profit purpose.
Together, they built a company dedicated to cause related marketing for professional athletes, sports philanthropy, CHAMP10N Sports Life Coaching™ and sports ministries.
July 28, 2004, Steve died of cancer. He lived a life dedicated to serving others. His legacy included: playing on three NCAA basketball championship teams at UCLA, playing for both the Cleveland Cavaliers and Chicago Bulls, head Basketball Coach at Santa Rosa Junior College and Arizona State University, founder and Executive Director of the Grand Canyon State Games, served as President/Chief Executive Officer of the Super Bowl XXX Committee, and was the Commissioner of the Continental Basketball Association.
From 2005—2014, the Robert Wood Foundation (RWJF) established the Steve Patterson Award for Excellence in Sports Philanthropy as a flagship program. The Steve Patterson Award celebrated and promoted the selflessness of service of people within the world of sports who passion and effort made a difference in their communities.
Past winners of the Steve Patterson Award for Excellence in Sports Philanthropy include:
(2005) Philadelphia Eagles Youth Partnership
(2006) Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation
(2007) Moyer Foundation, Memphis Grizzlies Charitable Foundation
(2008) San Francisco Giants Community Fund, The Steve Nash Foundation
(2009) Marvin Lewis Community Fund, Red Sox Foundation
(2010) Dikembe Mutombo Foundation, U.S. Soccer Foundation (2011) Cincinnati Reds Community Fund, Brian Griese and Judi’s House
(2012) Chicago White Sox Volunteer Corps, Notah Begay III Foundation, Women’s Sports Foundation
(2013) Tony Hawk Foundation, San Francisco 49ers, LA84 Foundation
(2014) Harlem RBI, Tiger Woods Foundation, Jays Care Foundation
Steve’s fundamental calling in life was to foster personal and societal advancement through sport. The award in his name serves as a tribute to his legacy and was presented each year to an individual athlete, coach, professional team or sports philanthropic organization responsible for positively impacting their surrounding communities.

Beginning in 2015, in the spirit of expanding the mission of the Steve Patterson Award for Excellence in Sports Philanthropy, Patterson Sports Ventures created the Sports Philanthropy League© (SPL), dedicated to being Champions for Change. The SPL mission is to G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E. (Get Involved. Volunteer. Educate. Help Other People Excel) by funding H.O.P.E. Scholarships to the Life Training Academy. The Academy is training the next generation to be Champions for Change and to G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E. to future generations.

Thank you Coach for giving Steve hope

Aug. 28, 2004- One month after Steve died, Coach giving our family hope

Makena Patterson meeting Coach

Quite appropriate that an award of this type, one that represents someone committed to giving, be named after Steve Patterson, who truly spent his life giving. When I think of Steve, the saying, "You make a living by what you get and you make a life by what you give" along with "You can give without loving but you can't love without giving," signify the man and the life that Steve Patterson was committed to being in sports and in life.
-Coach John Wooden
With the establishment of The Life Training Academy, Carlette's CHAMP10N Sports Life Coaching® techniques are being passed on to the next generation of coaches, philanthropists and community leaders to G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E.

H.O.P.E. Scholarships

If you are committed to being a CHAMP10N in your life and want to get coached,
the Life Training Academy offers H.O.P.E. SCHOLARSHIPS.
H.O.P.E. Scholarships are a currency of hope that funds your CHAMP10N CHANGE by paying for your CHAMP10N Sports Life Coaching® Workouts and MeQ Courses through the Life Training Academy.
To apply, email coach@carlette.com
If you are a CHAMP10N Giver and want to G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E. (Get Involved Volunteer Educate Help Other People Excel) by funding a H.O.P.E. Scholarship, you can make a donation to our non-profit fund– the Sports Philanthropy League- and join our mission of igniting the Power of Team for CHAMP10N Change. We are extremely grateful for your generosity and commitment to coaching up the next generation. Thank you for playing a small role in something bigger than yourself!
Click here to make your donation for CHAMP10N CHANGE.